
Monday, January 21, 2013

It's Cold! Emergency Skin Care.

Love Canada in Winter... Not!!!

These days we're in a cold spell and what this means is that a few adjustments have to be made so that your skin won't end up paying the price.

Emergency care if you are taken by surprise

This happened to me two years ago. For some reason my facial skin got super extra dry. This was quite a surprise to me since I've always had combination skin that was more on the oily than dry side. I think what happened was a combination of stress and extreme cold. Our home heating system wasn't working properly and we ended up spending a few days at 19 degrees Celsius in the house. Not too comfy!

At night...

Get a milk cleanser or even unscented baby oil to remove your makeup. These will be less drying and you can simply finish off with a damp washcloth.

Kick it up a notch with your facial moisturizer. For this you don't need to go out and buy a super expensive cream. You can simply boost the one you already have with a few drops of oil. Again, baby oil can be used as well as argan, almond or even extra virgin olive oil. Any you have available. Just be careful if you are clog prone not to use too much.

On extra cold nights, petroleum jelly or Aquaphor can be used on damp skin. Yes, on your face.

In the morning...

On those frigid mornings you could consider using your night cream under your sunscreen for better protection against the cold. I personally find that foundation on those days doesn't work so well so I usually skip. By doing so, it gives you the possibility to use a barrier cream or something like Elizabeth Arden's Height Hour Cream before you go out. Note that petroleum jelly and Aquaphor can also do the job. You can wait to get to work before applying your powder and blush and it won't look too bad if you have to use one of these options again when you return home. If you were to wear foundation, well, it would be a mess.

The importance of a good sunscreen...

Ever noticed how sunny it is on those extra cold days? Unless your head is completely covered, you need to apply a good sunscreen. The reflection of UV rays on surfaces but especially on snow can play tricks on you so it's really important. Look into Bioderma, Avène, La Roche Posay, Ombrelle or Shiseido if you have oily skin. These all offer brilliant protection.

To help keep the moisture in...

You may want to consider something with hyaluronic acid which would help retain moisture. Two products to consider, the first Dormer 211 Hand & Face cream available in drugstores for about $13.00. The other, Hydraluron available at Shoppers Drug Mart for around $30.00. You can read about it on Daly Beauty here.

Finally to help avoid dry skin at home, a warm mist humidifier in your bedroom at night may make a big difference. They range from $30.00 to $60.00 and can be found in drugstores.


These are the kind of days and nights where it feels good to warm up your hands holding a nice cup of hot chocolate.

Double Hot #Chocolate
Recipe for Double Hot Chocolate, here.

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