
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Notable Reads of the Week, vol. 5

To discover...

The Canadian Museum of Civilisation, soon to become Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau.

One of the most fun places to visit. I'm quite sure some of you are thinking, fun, a museum? Yes, a museum! About history? Yes about history!

I can still remember those Canadian history classes in school and how boring they where. In my case I wasn't very lucky as far a teacher goes. My history teacher was so boringly bland it still hurts to think of her (désolé Madame Coté). There was no spark to ignite any kind of interest on the subject. The result was that I ended up knowing more about the history of other countries than about about my own through the books I was reading at home.
 The Grand Hall at the Canadian Museum of Civilization
My husband is not the museum kind, not at all and so I was more than pleased when he and my daughter fell in love with the different exhibit areas. Their favorite,  Level 3. There you get to "walk" through Canadian history. Much more fun than sitting at a school desk! We have done the trip to Gatineau twice so far and will likely go for a third, possibly next summer. It really is worth a visit, if not three...

What caught my attention this week...

Plastic Surgery 101
By the Beauty Brains

How Treating Wrinkles May Also Relieve Depression
By Time Health & Family. Tweeted by MarcelleTweets

Cosmetic Innovations for 2013?
By Chemists Corner, tweeted by The Beauty Brains

10 Genius Tricks To Try From Pinterest
By Beauty Blitz. A fun tour of some pretty smart pins. Now if you're not on Pinterest, what are you waiting for? Believe me, it's quite addictive.

The Art of Perfume Ads: Houbigant Chantilly (1990s)
By Tinsel Creation. The lace, the lipstick, this entry brought back some good memories.

Bon Mot: Yé Yé
By Beauty Flash Blog. Clarins products that reflect 60s French culture with classic Yé Yé songs.

How Coconut Oil Can Be Used As A Mouthwash 
By Huff Post Style Canada. Ever heard of oil pulling? I tried this a few times last year and believe me it's nasty. After the first 5 minutes you want to throw up. Apparently it works but I'm not sure I'll be willing to try again.

About Blogging

Blogging It In 2012
By British Beauty Blogger. Another smart article.

About Twitter

I've only recently started using Twitter to promote this here blog. So far so good but I'm still a little lost as to the etiquette. The articles below, if you're a newbie like me, may help.

Mind Your Twitiquette
By British Beauty Blogger

A Beginners Guide to Twitter
By Jayne's Kitchen.

Eaton's 1918 Fall & Winter Catalogue cover. 
Picture from

Eaton's, a Canadian institution that no longer is, had the best cosmetics department in Montreal. You can learn more about it's founder who holds a place in the Canadian Museum of Civilisation, Timothy Eaton here.

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