
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Wish...

There have been several Saints with the name Valentine, several stories relating to the origins of Valentine's Day. The one I like the most is the one of Valentinus, persecuted by the Romans for performing weddings of soldiers who where forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians. During his imprisonment he apparently healed the daughter of his jailer and the legend states that before his execution he wrote her a farewell, "from your Valentine".

Valentine's day was first associated with romantic love at the time of courtly love in the High Middle Ages and by the 15th century it had evolved into a occasion for lovers to express their love by offering flowers, confectionery and sending love messages, greeting cards.

We are all familiar with the symbolism and the meaning that are now attached to Valentine's Day. For some, the ones who don't have a Valentine, it can be an "alone day" and for others a pretext for a romantic evening. Influenced by the merchandising surrounding the day, some will go to extremes while others will just enjoy each other's company.

On this Valentine's day, my only hope, wish, is that my hubby passes his evaluation. He is being transferred today to another hospital in the hopes that he will be put on the list for a graft or a transplant. His liver is no longer working properly due to a blood disorder. According to his doctors he is a good candidate. I pray they are right and that the team at this other hospital will see it that way for it's his only chance. I need him and my daughter needs him.

We have spent many, many Valentine's Day together and I hope we will have many, many more...

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