
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I Got An Award!!!

I was nominated by lovely Jenny of Belletristic Beauty a gorgeous blog I just recently discovered, for the Leibster Award or like Bellyhead of Wondegondigo called it, the Lobster Award which sounds much more appropriate for me as for her! I mean come on, what's not to love? Hot, warm, cold, in a hot creamy sauce or in a salad... Oh gosh I'm hungry now!

Sorry Liebster people I just couldn't resist! You gotta admit that it kinda works, kinda, right?

This award is for up and coming blogs -> Erm I guess even if Icaria's is two years old, it's still up and coming, right?

For those who have less than 200 followers -> Kinda!

With this lovely nomination Jenny has put together a series of questions (Oye!) to help you know more about me... sadly no food questions but I did find a way to get around that little detail...

1. What is the best book you've read recently (or your favorite book of all time)? I used to be an avid reader but in the past year and a half have read nothin'! Of all time I would have to say Ken Follet's Pillars of the Earth with Gabriel Garcia Márquez' One Hundred Years Of Solitude as a close second.

2. If you could meet any one person living or deceased, real or fictional, who would it be? King Priam of Troy! Why on Earth did he let Paris enter the city with Helen when he knew it would cause a war? I would have kicked her back to Menelaus in a New York minute!

3. What are your favorite places to shop at? My office is a 5 minutes walk from Sephora!!! My wallet is about to ask for a divorce! It's also close to a big Indigo which is a book store I love to go to with my daughter. I looove smelling the candles!

4. What is your favorite makeup brand? That's a hard one but if I were to go for colors alone I guess that would be Chanel but you can't take away my Dior lipsticks and mascara!!! I'll fight you for them, really I will and the way I've been feeling these days you can be sure you'd lose! Long nails people, long Chanel polished nails! Nuf' said!

5. Describe yourself in three words. At the moment, strong, determined and resilient. I won't take any cr*p from anyone.

6. Do you have a favorite scent or perfume? If so, what is it? Citrus and roses but not together. I'm on the hunt for the perfect one of each.

7. What has been your worst hairstyle? Mullet... *runs away screaming* The hairdresser, a famous guy at the time, had decided to do an experiment on me because I have very thick hair, it was the latest look, I was one of the first... It took a year to grow back! :(

8. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? Greece! I would love to be able to admire in person those three ladies you see on my blog banner! Oh and the FOOD!!! Who cares if they don't have lobsters, they would probably have to "roll" me back to the plane! Ever heard of Feta cheese and Kalamata olives?

Told ya I'd find a way to include food!

9. What is your favorite holiday? I don't have one.

10. Who are your biggest inspiration (for your blog and just life in general) and why? My Love of course, André! Even through rough patches always kept a good attitude and spirit. Such a solid, honorable man I would consider myself lucky if people thought of me in the same way although I do have to work on the attitude part...A lot!

11. Why did you start blogging and is it what you expected? I had just lost a job and had to do something! I was so bad at first but I think I've improved and it turned out to be a life savior. It took me through hard times and most importantly has enabled me to make beautiful web friends.

Now I'm suppose to tell you 11 random facts about myself (Oye!) That's even harder than coming up with good questions...

1. I hate housework, cleaning, dishes, laundry... I need a maid!

2. I'm obsessed with my lashes, really I am!

3. Most mornings I put a half teaspoon of coconut oil in my coffee, so yummy!

4. I started drinking coffee at 27, before that I was a tea drinker.

5. If I could I would eat deep fried food every day!!!

6. I hate shopping for jeans!

7. I think I'm lazy so that's probably why I hate shopping for jeans!

8. I looooove lemons! Hey I got a Pinterest board dedicated to them! Delicious with Feta and Kalamatas!

9. I hate winter and want to move to Spain!

10. I have green eyes but for some reason people think they're blue. It's the weirdest thing!

11. I've been wearing the same Gucci sunglasses for like, forever! I just can't let go of them, I just can't!

I nominate...

If I could I would nominate all the great bloguerettes I visit or at least try to visit on a regular basis (some weeks are just too crazy so I miss a lot of good stuff and there are blogs I love I haven't visited in weeks!) but the list would be too long. Also there's the fact that everyone is bigger than me so I've decided to go with only four but it's for good fun since I know, they all have a strong base of followers. Again if I could, all my buddies would be on it!

Expat Make-Up Addict

Natalie Loves Beauty

Makeup Morsels

Chic Science

The questions...

1. What is your first beauty memory (could be you loved to smell Mr Bubbles or enjoyed using your mom's perfume as a room refresher...)?

2. What beauty brand would you love to try but have yet to take the plunge?

3. Here is a trick question... Lobster or crab?

4. What was your first makeup purchase ever and how old were you?

5. Cats or dogs?

6. Favorite movie genre... Chick flick, epic or horror?

7. Another trick question... Oranges or lemons?

8. Which is your favorite mascara and why?

9. Stuck on a desert island what would you wish to have on you (if you're there I guess it wasn't planned and luggage is likely lost on the high seas)?

10. What makeup item have you repurchased the most? In other words, your ultimate HG?

11. This one you know I just gotta ask, why did you start blogging?

Thank you Jenny!!! 

Do visit her beautiful blog as well as these other great ladies (and Gent) tagged by her...

For thirty random facts:
For the Liebster:

Ok this was fun but now I'm exhausted!

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