
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Braun Silk-épil Elipator...

Spring as almost sprung in Montreal! Almost! 

I guess one could say we are two weeks behind because it's still pretty cool outside and most days last week were windy, really windy!

Still it's inevitable, it will warm up (hopefully by July...) and this means that we'll finally be able to wear lighter clothes like Capri pants aaannnddd no socks!!! If there's one article of clothing I hate that's the one!

My skin tone is that of a blond and even thought I'm a brunette with super thick hair I don't have hairy legs. In fact I could tweeze if I wanted to (I've done it a few times in fact) but I got no time for that no more. Underarms are on the normal side so I do have to shave.

I hate shaving! I hate that itchy sensation one gets a few hours after having done it!

Shaving every few days? Don't wanna do that no more!!!

Waxing every few weeks? It gets everywhere, it truly does coz I'm a real klutz!

Needing something fast and easy, for my birthday I got myself this little number...

Braun Silk-épil 3...

I gave myself pain!!!

Ok it ain't that bad but the first time, the first go was a little surprising. It took me about five minutes to do both legs and about the same for both underarms.

Quick, easy and I'm good for two weeks!!!

Yup that baby's a keeper!

Now I know these little gizmo don't work for everyone. For some reason they don't perform well on some hair types but on mine it worked beautifully.

Do I recommend Braun Silk-épil 3? Oh yes!

Spring/summer are at the door and if you don't want to be a slave to your razor or don't want to be annoyed with the mess of wax or depilatory creams this is truly a great option.

I chose this model because of the cord. I know most look for cordless but the batteries will only last a few years. They're made for only a certain number of recharge and after that they have to be replaced. This model will last way longer and will always be ready to use. If I remember correctly Braun Silk-épil 3 is the second least expensive option at about $60 or $70 with taxes. It doesn't have any attachments and I'm good with that since I don't need them.

From the Braun website...

Good for legs, underarms and yes, even the bikini area although I haven't had the courage to use it there yet. I've always used an electric shaver in that area to avoid those pesky red itchy bumps and I just might continue doing that since I don't wear bathing suits often.

I may eventually consider laser for my underarm area but for now I'm good with the Braun Silk-épil 3 and since I don't have super hairy legs, it's perfect for now.

So, what torture method do you use for hair removal?

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