One year ago today I posted my first "article", an introduction to what I was planning to do with this new platform. In a way it was meant as a big *note to self* to be shared with all of you. To see that it's being appreciated now by so many is more than rewarding. It's actually quite humbling for I'm still such a newbie.
I know I wrote recently that I jumped into this with one eye open and one closed but in reality they where both shut tightly. There are so many things I didn't know when I started and still don't but I believe that I've come a long way. Yesterday I spent time reading some of my first entries and I do think I've improved quite a bit. I didn't make any corrections and leaving them as is, they serve me as a reminder of my first steps. My biggest handicap, if I can call it that for I am quite proud of it, is being French speaking. Even if I spent most of my working career with mainly English speaking people, I honestly didn't know if I could pull it off.
Writing and speaking are of course two different things. Spoken words come easily and getting your point across is rather simple, especially when you have the person you're communicating with in front of you. Writing can sometimes be daunting, more so when one has to translate everything but I enjoy it a lot. It's fun to be able to transmit information about subjects I personally love!
One year!
In all honesty it's true that today marks the beginning but I really got into it on a regular basis in July with, Memories, a Bit of history & sunscreen which remains to this day the most popular entry, even with all it's little writing flaws. I probably spent two weeks working on it, feeling nervous, anxious and loosing sleep. I remember thinking, will anybody actually care about this? Will anybody actually read it? Well it seems many of you have and knowing this makes me feel very proud.
Yesterday I got one more accolade that made me feel even more proud about myself. My friend Laura finally took the time to read a few articles. She wrote back to me telling me it was excellent in capital letters!!! For a moment there I couldn't move. I felt like dancing! I actually did a few steps in my living room!
What will year two be like?
I have no idea! I am going through some major personal changes at the moment and may eventually have to post a little less. Stepping away? Not an option! I love this too much, in fact I do believe I'm suffering from a major blogging addiction. Knowing that I can reach people with subjects that I fancy, is addictive. Learning new things every day, is addictive. Getting to know new people, other bloggers even if it's only in a virtual word, is addictive.
Recently someone asked me "What do you do?" My answer: I'm a Beauty Blogger!
Tonight to celebrate this new realisation I'll be enjoying a nice Vermouth on ice!

A thank you note...
To all of you who stop and take the time to read my words and sometimes leave comments, thank you!
To all of you gorgeous Beauty Bloggers, thank you for sharing your knowledge and for being so good that I have to get better every day!
To Leanne for pushing me to do this, to Nicole pour ces premiers trucs d'écriture que je n'ai jamais oubliés and to Laura, well, you know why! xoxoxoxo...
Congratulations!!! One year!!! Here's to many more :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Niki! Same to you. xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your Blogiversary!!!! One of my favourite places to visit!!!!! Lindaxo
ReplyDeleteAwww thank you so much! xoxo
DeleteCongratulations! I'm so glad I've found your blog, keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThank you Gio, I greatly appreciate it!